If you’re a softball player, you probably spend most of your time in the field or the gym. But, since the pandemic has made us spend time in our homes more often than usual, or if you maybe sometimes don’t feel like going to the gym that doesn’t mean that you can’t still get in shape.

With the following exercises, you will be to get stronger and build your core at home with very little to no equipment needed.

Let’s get into it.

Softball Workouts At Home – Which Exercises Are The Best?

Woman stretching at home

It is extremely important for softball players to develop core, upper body, and leg strength. These 5 exercises will focus on those areas.

Some of the following exercises have variations that are a bit harder than their “standard” versions and are not recommended for absolute beginners because they may cause injury.

1. Push-Ups – Upper Body

Engaging your upper body muscles like the chest, shoulders, and triceps (depending on the variation), push-ups are an excellent exercise that you can do without any equipment. There are many variations to this exercise, but now we will explain how to do the standard one. If you are interested, check the different variations here.

You want to be able to do push-ups in order to increase your strength and endurance and also build muscle mass and tone your body.

How to do standard push-ups:

  • Get in a plank position, with your palms firmly on the ground, and core tight. Your neck should be in a neutral position.
  • Lower yourself until you can nearly touch the floor with your chest. When you lower yourself, your elbows should bend.
  • After you lower yourself, push yourself back up.
  • Keep a tight core and a straight back during the duration of the push-up
  • Do at least 10 reps for 3 sets.

2. Hammer Curls – Biceps and Forearm

Hammer Curls are an exercise that is a variation of the traditional bicep curls and they target the biceps and forearm. For this exercise, you will need a dumbbell.

How to do hammer curls:

  • Sit on an armless chair or a bench (if you have one). You can also do the hammer curls while standing.
  • Take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • The dumbbells should be on your sides.
  • Grab them by the top.
  • Before starting to lift the dumbbells, make sure to keep your shoulders back.
  • Now when you have the correct posture, curl the dumbbells upward until the dumbbells are very near to your shoulders. Remember to squeeze the biceps when you curl the dumbbell.
  • Before starting to lower the dumbbell, stop and wait for a second or two.

Required equipment

  • Dumbbells

Tru Grit – 20-lb Hex Elite Dumbbell

Made from high-quality materials and having a design that stops the dumbbells from rolling around, Tru Grit Hex Elite Dumbells are a must-have in your home gym. Quality dumbbells must have a good grip, and this is where these ones excel.

3. High Plank – Core

Woman in a high plank position

Not only that the high plank is amazing for your core strength, but it also improves your posture. Although this exercise may look easy to do, there are many common mistakes that people make. Some of these include the dropping of the head and not keeping a straight back. These mistakes will mess up your progress and may cause an injury.

So, keeping a good posture is essential. Here is how to properly do a high plank:

  • Begin on all fours, with your toes and hands firmly on the ground.
  • Your hands should be positioned just a bit over shoulder-width.
  • Keep your glutes tight, your back straight, and don’t drop your head. This is extremely important.
  • Keep this position for at least 30 seconds and increase it over time as you get stronger.

4. Crunches – Core

Crunches are probably the most famous core exercise. Crunches target your abs and are a great exercise for beginners, and also require no equipment. While there are many variations to crunches, we will explain the classic ones.

How to properly do a crunch:

  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent and hands behind your head or your chest.
  • Your feet should be hip-width aside.
  • Contract your abs and inhale.
  • As you go up slowly, exhale. Be in that position for a second or two.
  • Now inhale and lower yourself controllably.

5. Running on a Treadmill – Legs and Cardio

When regularly running on a treadmill, the benefits that you will have are countless. You will tone your legs, have better cardio and feel better, just to name a few benefits.

Compared to running outside, running on a treadmill is a bit easier on your joints, therefore the risk of injury is smaller. Treadmills are a great investment because you are in control of the speed and if it’s bad weather outside and you desperately want to go for a run. don’t worry, a treadmill is there for you.

Required equipment

  • Treadmill

ProForm – Carbon T10 Treadmill

A great machine to have in your home gym, the ProForm Carbon T10 has a cushioned deck, two sensors built in the handlebars for monitoring your heart rate, a 10″ screen, and a foldable deck, Carbon T10 from ProForm is a popular treadmill, and rightfully so.


  • Before starting a workout, make sure to do a warm-up. Warm-ups will decrease the risk of injuries, prepare your body for intense training, and increase blood flow.
  • Remember to stretch and breathe.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard. If some exercise is hard for you, don’t force it. This will only increase the risk of injury. Be patient and gradually increase your strength. In some time you will be able to do these exercises with no issues.


There are many exercises you can do at home to improve your fitness and increase your muscle mass. It’s all about finding the right exercises for you.

But the exercises listed above are the ones you should start with, as they are beginner-friendly. As you progress, you can start to add other exercises and add them to your workouts.