Workouts For Softball Players – Improve Your Game With These Exercises
Softball is an intense, exciting sport. Players always need to be on top of their game, have blazing fast reactions, and have the strength and conditioning to endure the whole game. To become a better softball player, the focus needs to be on improving the upper body, lower body, and core strength, along with improving general flexibility. Many players often make a mistake and develop their upper body without focusing on the core and lower body strength. To become a complete softball player, you need to develop those areas, and when you do that, you will see an improvement [...]
Where To Watch High School Softball?
High school softball brings excitement, fierce competition, a rush of adrenaline, and a chance to see who might be the next softball star. It’s also a place to show the players’ talent and hard work off the field, to impress the college softball coaches in the college recruitment process. In this day and age, it’s very easy to catch up with all the games that high school softball offers, something that wasn’t possible not so long ago. Want to catch up with all the excitement high school softball offers? Let’s see where is the best place to live stream [...]
When Does The Softball Season Start?
Wondering when does a softball season start? Well, it depends on the league. In this blog, we will explain when does a high school and college softball season start, and also when the preparations for a new season usually start. This softball season, you’ll be able to stay organized and catch up with your favorite teams, because you will have all the information you need to get ready for the new season. Let’s get into it. When Does The High School Softball Season Start? High school softball season usually starts in March and [...]
How Long Is a Softball Game?
Softball isn't one of those sports that has a time limit like basketball or football. It's more like tennis, where the match can last many, many hours. Softball doesn't have quarters or halves, rather has a "goal" that you need to complete in order to win the game. Similar to baseball, softball uses innings as the basic unit of play, but the difference between baseball and softball is that baseball has 9 innings and softball has 7. Length of a Softball Game Given that the game has 7 innings, the game usually lasts for [...]
5 Best Fastpitch Softball Players Of All Time
Like in every sport in this world, there are good players, great players, and the absolute best of the best. Like basketball has Michael Jordan, soccer has Lionel Messi, softball has its fair share of legends of the game. Softball has been around for a long time and has given birth to a lot of players that have made a great and indelible mark in the sport. The game's popularity continues to grow, and its inclement into the 2020 Tokyo Olympics only adds to its growing popularity and interest. Thankfully, young and up-and-coming softball players have many great players [...]
What To Wear To Softball Practice?
You are going to your first ever softball practice and don't know what to wear? You are scared that if you get it wrong you will look silly? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Knowing what to wear and feeling comfortable in your outfit will increase your self-confidence, therefore, you will perform better. Also, according to the position that you play, you'll need protective gear that will protect your body. Keep in mind that, since softball is an aggressive and fast game, you'll need durable clothes and that can withstand that fast pace of the sport. It's not the [...]
Main Differences Between Softball And Baseball
The two very popular sports – softball and baseball are similar in so many ways you might think it’s the same sport but played with a different colored ball. But, have you ever asked yourself what are the biggest differences between softball and baseball? If you have and want to learn more about the differences between baseball and softball, you’ve come to the right place. In reality, it is not only the color of the ball that is different. These two sports have a lot more differences including equipment, field size, and pitching. Let’s check all of them out. [...]
History Of Softball – Origins, evolution, and the game in the modern-day
Origins of softball The great game of softball has captured the hearts of many Americans and people all around the world from the day it was founded. Since the founding of the sport, softball has come a long way, and it is still growing rapidly nowadays. The sport has undergone many rule changes and equipment changes throughout the years. I made it an Olympic sport in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, then it was dropped for the 2012 London Olympics and 2016 Rio Olympics, only to be back for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. The sport of [...]
How to Pick the Best Fastpitch Softball Bat for Girls
Choosing the right bat is essential to the success of a softball hitter. It is very important to choose a bat that is the right weight and length for your body type. The type of bat is really just your personal preference. Almost all bats you can buy today are very well-made with a lot of research and technology involved in the making process. Most fastpitch bats are between 28 to 34 inches long, you should choose depending on your size. The weight is also an important factor. The largest bat that you can purchase is [...]
Softball Coaching Tips
Unlike many other sports, softball is a volunteer-driven. This means that most people involved in youth softball are not there for financial gains. They mainly do it to help players learn not only the skills and drills of the game, but life lessons as well. That is the hard part of coaching: teaching kids things like attitude and teamwork. Here are some coaching tips that can help build strong team bonds among your players. Tip #1 – Set Goals Encourage your players to write down short and long term goals for themselves and the team. [...]